Learn how we are changing the face of computing education…for good.


What is AiiCE?

The Alliance for Interdisciplinary Innovations in Computing Education (AiiCE) is a national cross-sector partnership working to enhance high school and postsecondary computing education. We create supportive learning environments and expand opportunities for students and educators across all backgrounds in computing.

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Why was AiiCE created?

Computing shapes every aspect of modern society. To develop technology that serves everyone effectively, we need divergent perspectives and experiences contributing to the field. Current technologies can sometimes work less effectively or even harm user groups, as seen in various applications from recognition software to healthcare systems. While computing education traditionally focuses on technical skills, there's an opportunity to explore how technology impacts a wider variety of communities. AiiCE works to increase the entry, retention, and course/degree completion of high school and undergraduate students by supporting student success through graduation, enhancing teaching methods and educational policies, and building evidence-based academic environments.

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Who is AiiCE?

AiiCE brings together national leaders in K-16 computer science education to create evidence-based strategies that strengthen educational practices, support effective policies, and empower students and educators.