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AiiCE Student Advisory Board members de Lande and Kwesi featured in Duke CS article

Written by: Brady Kim

Congratulations to Jabari Kwesi and Kiara de Lande for being featured in a Duke Computer Science article due to their exceptional contributions to the Alliance for Identity-Inclusive Computing Education (AiiCE) Student Advisory Board. As active members of the board, Jabari and Kiara have played integral roles in advancing the mission of creating inclusive spaces within computing education. Jabari, a Ph.D. student in Duke's Interdisciplinary Security, Privacy, and Interaction Research Lab, has contributed significantly to AiiCE's guiding principles and conducted impactful research on race perceptions among undergraduate computing students. Kiara, a current undergraduate student in Computer Science, completed the AiiCE Teaching Assistant Professional Development Course and served as a keynote speaker at the CSTA Annual Conference in 2023. Their collective efforts, spanning from addressing large audiences to participating in conferences, exemplify their commitment to improving systemic inequities in computing education. We are delighted that the Computer Science Department at Duke University has featured their dedication to fostering justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the field of computer science.

Jabari Kwesi and Kiara de Lande