Daily delivers keynote at NAACP Ohio Youth and College State Convention
Dr. Shaundra Daily, AiiCE Backbone Director, delivered a keynote address at the NAACP Ohio Youth and College State Convention on September 14, 2024, in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Daily was invited to speak about her contributions to education through her independent work and leadership of AiiCE. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is a longstanding civil rights organization focused on advancing educational and economic opportunities. Their current initiatives include voter participation, healthcare access, and economic policy advocacy. The NAACP holds conferences and educational programs throughout the United States and offers individual membership opportunities for those interested in supporting their mission. The Ohio Youth and College State Convention brings students and young professionals together to discuss educational and professional development. We congratulate Dr. Daily on being selected as a keynote speaker at this event and for her ongoing work to enhance educational opportunities.